It's late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning. Our last day at Lake Bristineau State Park. And by the way they need to change their name here, cause there is no lake, hasn't been one for a while by the looks of things. Still it's a pretty park, when we got here Sunday there were only two other campers here, and as of this morning we're the only ones left.
Before we started our new lives we bought an 8' ramp so Wonder would be able to get in and out with minimal trouble. So far only the Livingston site were we able to put it to any use. Here and Mineral Wells had their pads a little too high making it too steep to maneuver. It hasn't slowed him down at all. In fact since arriving here he has been outside more per day than in quite sometime. He's even started going on walks now, not long ones mind you, but he is getting some exercise.
Roosevelt State Park near Morton Mississippi is where we're heading tomorrow, we'll be there two nights. Alcohol is looked at differently by the states. In Mississippi it says "No Alcohol" period. They don't want you drinking in a Missi state park. In Texas it says "no public consumption of alcohol". They don't care if you drink as long as you hide it. In Louisiana it says "minors cannot have alcohol", but you can have all you want! We'll be in Alabama on Saturday, remind me see how they feel about it. Paula, aren't you an Alabama girl? Do we need to do our drinking before Saturday?
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